Get ready for the feast!
Have your Monsters quickly seize the best desserts. If two Monsters covet the same dessert, only the strongest keep their seat... for now.
Monstrolicious is a subtle mix of risk taking, sugar, and flavorful strategies!

Discover the game in video!
How to play?
On your turn, secretly look at the top tile of your stack and place it facedown in front of one of the desserts on the buffet. You must always place your tile on an empty space in your play area.

Then check what is in front of this dessert on your opponent’s side

If the space is empty
You control this dessert and your turn is over.

If an opposing tile is there:
You must resolve a Battle to determine who controls this dessert, then your turn is over.
Resolving a Battle

Both tiles are Monsters
Your Monster wins if its strength is equal to or greater than the opposing Monster. Leave your Monster on and discard the opposing Monster. Otherwise, your opponent controls this dessert.

One of the tiles is a Trap
Reveal the Trap and discard both the Trap and the opposing Monster. No one controls this dessert.

Both tiles are Traps
Reveal both Traps and discard them. No one controls this dessert.

Special desserts
4 special desserts on the buffet to spice up your game even more!

End of the game
Once all tiles have been played, reveal all the tiles on the buffet and discard the Traps still in play.
Adding points from each dessert your Monsters devoured, the player with the highest score wins the game.
In case of tie, savor the victory together... or play again to determine the true winner!

Box content
- 1 board
- 13 Furry tiles
- 13 Scaly tiles
- A rulebook

Goodie's rules
After choosing your Monster type, toss the Dibs token into the air and let it fall onto the table. The face up side of the token determines which type plays first.

Monstroluscious Desserts recipe!
Valériane Gréban, finalist of Le Meilleur Pâtissier in France, has made for you the desserts of Monstrolicious.
Rules and game aids