So Clover! Credits

Designer: François Romain
Development: Cédrick Caumont & Thomas Provoost aka « Les Belges à Sombreros ».
Repos Production team: Éric Azagury, Pierre Berthelot, Nicolas Boseret, Valérie Brion, Stefan Brunelle, Alexandre Catudal, Ella De Mathelin, Julien Deroubaix, Virginie Gilson, Tanguy Gréban, Soufian Guinou, Winnie Kenis, Nicolas Pastor, François Pirlot, Marine Poujade, Florian Poullet, François Van Cranenbroeck, Nastassja Vandepeutte, Thomas Vermeir et Géraldine Volders.
I was told I could write special thanks, but I’ve never written this kind of thing before and it’s a little overwhelming. So here goes nothing, I hope you understand and won’t be too upset if these words are too much or not whatever enough… after all, it’s my first time.
If you read all the way to the end, you’ll see that it’s absolutely… actually, no, don’t read that far. You might be surprised to learn about all the secret plots and schemes in this world.
To my little man, who makes me smile, makes me happy, and makes me proud every day. I hope you believe in everything you do and that one day you see yourself as I see you. You are my passion, my treasure, and my son. (Okay, okay, you’re not only mine. Sometimes I let your mom borrow you).
To the person who put me on this world, who has always supported and pushed me to achieve my dreams. To my mother who has always taken care of me. (See that? I wrote just what we talked about. I never mentioned the number of times you scolded me for my messy room).
To my friend, without whom none of this would exist. Thank you for believing in and pushing this project so far. Thanks for your friendship, confidence, endless support, and your kindness. You have my unconditional friendship. (I really want to be the Chewbacca to your Solo… and no, I’m not talking about my hair. At least, not just about that!).
To the person who understands letters better than anyone. If this game exists, it’s because of the love of words and their meanings that you passed on to me. Even if you never read this, it makes me happy to write. (No Dad, looking up words you don’t know in the dictionary is not “fun” for an 8 year old, not even a little bit… but you were right that it was good for me).
To my sister who showed me that no challenge was too impossible to overcome. (Let’s not talk about « rifle », « wrestling in bed », et « taking our lumps »… We’ll just call those a different type of learning).
To the person who helped make this game, who poured your heart into the many different versions, who figured out how to make it more beautiful and enjoyable. I’m very grateful for this partnership with you. (However, I have to say that whenever you asked for a list of words by a certain date and I would finish them at night, only for you not to use any of them... my sleep was not happy with you!).
To the person who believed in a complete nobody (me), who introduced me to the game industry with a handshake no less -- not even a signature at the bottom of a sheet of paper. To the person who made me grow and shine here. (I hope the Corsican version of your hand will flow abundantly, boss).
To my friend, who is more than my improv brother, who showed me how to make my imagination go faster than light, with whom I’ve shared so many moments. (I’ll skip over the “bachelor party” and “first meeting,” those are better left just between us. However, I’d share the story of Pilou Pilou to whoever wants to hear).
To the person who was the first one to give life to this game. Believe it or not, it was born from the snips of your scissors. I treasure our shared memories and wish you a future full of happiness. (You’re right, it’s mine, but I’ll let you borrow it… Fine, okay, let’s just say we’ll let each other borrow it).
To my Grandma, this isn’t a book, but you were right that I would create something. It’s a little late, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to show you this box, but I’m certain you’ve seen it wherever you are. (However, this needs to be said: I have to admit that it was me who secretly finished all the cookies that were in the pantry… I won’t be punished 30 years later, right?).
To my professor, or should I say mentor, thanks for reigniting my love of learning and school. You are not Saint Peter, even though you also have a long white beard, but wherever you are I hope you realize the number of kids you helped, myself included. (Did the comparison to Saint Peter make you laugh?).
To the person who told me one day, off the cuff, “come to Brussels, you’ll see what awesome board game nights there are” without knowing you would be the start to this path. (Keep up with the crappy “Si j’pogne” game. You’re a master and I’m a fan, but you’ll never beat me in a “Si j’pogne” match.)
To the intermediary, you are an amazing person. I’m proud and happy to know you and call you my friend. You have been and continue to be a true source of inspiration to me. (Even though, you have to admit, there are still “silly” sides to all of this).
To Miss G, who called me one day to have a discussion that would change my life (By the way, your job seems really nice. I have an idea for a birthday present).
To you both, my friends who became a couple, with whom I’ve shared so many nights, so many games (« Dear god, please play faster »), and so many meaningful moments. Thank you for your honesty in every circumstance and topic. Thank you for your sincere and loyal friendship that spans time and place. I hope your metal painting stays as beautiful and colorful. You’re amazing. (I promise I won’t talk about any birthday parties, even if they ask me to).
To the little man who, surprisingly and despite everything, was the key to many things. Mathis, you win every day. I hope you’re happy and realize just how many people there are who love you. Give your dad a hug for me.
To Mr. Kdo, who fully surpassed what I expected our relationship to be. A meeting that left its mark on my memory as terribly human. Thanks for everything, from listening attentively and offering sympathy to all the energy you give to the gaming world. (I still need to clarify that any professional overtaking is limited by friendship, for those of you who thought I would make any declarations of love through this document. That’s not my style! Say hi to Mag for me).
To the team at Trictrac, both old and new, shout-out to Phal, Mops, and 20.100 who were my first gaming partners. It’s through you that I discovered this universe. Thanks. To Guillaume, Florian, and Germain, with whom I spent amazing evenings where terribly “human” humans met each other.
To the Repos Prod team, who are so involved in each of their projects. Thank you for your time, energy, enthusiasm, and your support.
To my current colleagues, with whom I share so many good memories. We’re a family. You are dear to me. Whether you’re the wise colami, the klutz, the grand traveler, the “Gin cola sur 1000 volts”, the sweet Medicis, the ray of sunshine, the young friend, the protective mama, the attentive ear, the passionate geek, the protector of toys, the “zoubisoubisou” and the rest of the team, I feel very lucky to share my days with you all (except one of you, but I won’t say who, because you’ll be suspicious and it’s funny).
To the loyal hosts of Belgoludiconews with who I like to meet up every Wednesday night.
To my friends at Ludwikend who I love to meet up with and are such a big part of my gaming life.
To the person with whom I crossed latex swords, roleplayed passionately, and cast spells with conviction during a LARP. (I have to say, this is the best special thanks I’ve ever had the chance to write).
To the team at the Chambard, from whom I learned so much at every interaction and with whom I’ve shared so many stories. (Don’t forget to massage your knees, in all honesty, it’s important).
To my old colleagues who have gone through so many “out of the norm” moments with me and who, for some of them, followed the call of the gaming world. (I promise, with a little patience, the sun always rises. Always.).
To Thomas, Mel, Steph, Antoine, Jess, Patch, Plume, Rudy, Thierry, Seb and Glouglou, Amandine, Sandra, Julie, Marie, France, Mad Ben, Flo, Éric, Bérengère, Gilles (Did you know the fusion temperature of Cobalt is 1495 degrees celsius?), Bohdan, Michel, Nanou, Laurent, Tycha, David, Laurence, Roxane, Alexis (whom I don’t see enough), Xavier, Virginie, Lord Ton Père, Capitaine Web, Manox and Kwakos (if you think these last 4 people have weird names, search the “Apéro du Captain” podcast), Audrey, Gilles, Jonhatan, Delphine (If you want to make me happy, fondue is a guaranteed way…), Déborah, Angélique, Bilou, Caro, Damien (...or the chocolate), Kim, Grichka, Beverly, Bowen, Maryse, Meeple, Léo, Jade, Shaman, Pixies, Pupuce (yes, I even thank my cats and dogs),… and all of the friends and family members whom I’ve forgotten or haven’t mentioned.
To the player who probably tried this game and said it was impossible or very hard, but ended up pulling through and was deservedly super proud of themself. I hope you had fun and you realize just how impressively efficient your brain is. (If you’re not convinced yet, play the game again!).
To the reader who took the time to end up here, god knows this was long. (Hold on, the moment of truth is almost here).
To all of you, I say thank you, since you have contributed to who I am today in one way or another, and I promise that I’m very happy!
Enjoy everything, life is too short to be bored, I lost, cats control the world (I warned you, they’re always plotting something), and as I like to say: “Ciao, guys.”